My boyfriend find it difficult to understand me. Its not his fault, i also don't understand me . My theories and the way of thinking is totally wired , I dont think like a normal ppl. I have noticed it. Cos of things happened in past , the way i look at things are different , NOt the way most of the ppl think, when i tell i think abt what eva we are talking my bf finds it so assorted. hard to understand what am saying , ( most of the time i give examples) NOw a days we fight a lot, i dont want that to happen , we have these 2 to 3 issues .. 1. pics 2. sleeping out 3. being too buxy i have been thinking about them , i knw where is my problem , bt i feel like he have to give me some loose, i mean not so tight rules , ( sorry love ehn word e hithaka nai migadeega.) I will get a way to rid of these fights and come to conclusion o and agreement ...
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