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it got me wondering .....

well i was watching this Korean drama , called "playful kiss" .. such a nice one... let me summaries the story ...........

" Playful Kiss is about a popular and genius male student named Baek Sueng-jo who has a stand-offish personality and Oh Hani who is a female student who makes up for being not-so-genius by always being smiling and happy. An earthquake destroys the girl's home and she and her dad end up living with the boy's family. The girl has kept this boy in her heart but she has never received any assurances of her love being reciprocated. Fun and groans ensue as they interact and rub off on each other" ( i just copied this part from drama description)

well they were in high school , and this grl always think about the boy ... if she put her mind in to doing some thing , like getting pass o doing a sport , she does it with hard work ..............

any way , what i was wondering was , high school is the best time of our life. The fun and those feeling will never come back .....

imaging having a crush , and evry day when you go to school with the best hair style and looking so beautiful, expect to see him and talk to him. bt some days your wish were wasted .... some days you just site some where alone,expecting him to come from nowhere and site with you .. Even the dreams you see are pretty awsom .

In my life , i had 2 crush , one is child hood crush. by then we don't know any thing , ijust want to play with him.. but
i had my 2nt crush when i was in high school. the day dreams , and expectations and what we to get noticed , those were really some thing. My crush was not in my class, he actually repeated one grade. Any way , in interval period , i used to walk on the corridor to see him , we were friends. any where we see , we used to talk , like the real stuffs, not the flirty stuffs. when he looks at me and smile , that will be the best day of the week ......... "hehe funy , am smiling remembering those days" i used to think him as a friend , bt my heart tell me some thing els, those days . my heart starts beating faster and i dont know things happens........
Any way, i never told him about my feeling , i thinks he also likes me. Now also we are friends .

Now , i have ny sweet boy friend who came to my life and made me forget all those crush.
Even that crush confess me now, i will not expect him , cos i love my loabivaa, its i have given my mind and heart to him....

IF i got the question like " do u wish to have your crush as ur boyfriend now ? in moment of truth " MY answer "no"
Bt if my BF leaves me and he comes to me , i guess i will accept him . .... :)

"P.S : loby , dont worry , as long as i have you , my heart will never change. love you loabeeee"


  1. If I were ur boyfriend im sure I’ll be concerned too :P sometimes gals hav a powerful desire to be with their crush. Sometimes in a relation things may get complicated, if that happens so, dnt run to ur crush immediately.

  2. wasnt intending to write a long one......

    sure i wil nt run to crush ....


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