I have been thinking a lot about wedding . Am i ready? Am i financial capable for a grant Wedding ? Am i settled? Have i done everything for a wedding? When all these Question comes in to my mind ... Another Question comes in to my mind .. Why are we getting married? Ans is To share our life together, have a partner till the end. To give and Get love for the rest of our life. To have a happy and stable life. Does any of these have anything to do with those question i have asked? NO .... I guess. Then Why we cant get marry at the time we feel like marriage? Why do we think so much about it? Why do we so many plans for it? Why do we spend so much on it? Another part is we put our parents in such a difficult position , during the wedding. 50% of marriages are not with the perfect agreement between two families. But still we force them to stay in one room and face all the Drama. Its just a view . . . I am putting so much thoughts in it . . . :)
Don't Judge but understand