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Showing posts from April, 2017

Reason to be better

I was doing fine with my life. I was doing enough to be happy, exploring my mind, creating and becoming fine with my study and other things in life. I manage to establish a life alone fixed myself. Then you happened, You saw things which I don’t  see in myself. You saw a better person in me. You saw my mind and found the beauty of which I only knew from whole this universe. You saw the potential in me along with great thing, you saw the external beauty and the beauty of mind Or mind beauty of me. You taught me to reach my potentials to do better, for the first time I wanted to do things to impress someone, to make you happy, cos  I know how disappointed you get when I make things easy and lazily, not reaching my potentials. I loved your comments. I was always open to advice and comments when someone shows a mistake in my work I accept and say it’s me.  Like that way, I opened all my life for you to comment. Whether it's studying, career or life. With you, I...

No more Second girlfriend

I think things has changed from the day we met  , before he used to complement me a lot , the way he like my hair , my eyes , my smile and my hips.  Now nothing of such, He used to look at me all the time. But know things have changed. There are small thing I noticed now. Before he liked my hair down but now he tells me to tie it up. What’s wrong with man?  Their likes also changes or the way they look changes. Even last night we talked and it seems like his mind was somewhere else. It wasn’t with me. He was in a hurry to go back to home. I don’t know why. I was sad and wanted to talk to him that whole day we didn’t talked, we talked for a very short time and for all that time he didn’t even look at me. Sometimes my thoughts run wild. I do want to spend life with him but he is full of complication. Do I want that complication in my life? Is it worth? Sometime out of fear not getting him or he not being solely for me. I think of marrying him, just because I have th...