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{Sum up}

Waited 4 U to come to my life
U came so magically
Showed me the beauty of U
Made me happy
Gave me evrything I wanted

When I need U most Ur gone
Leaving me alone here
Know I don't know what to believe
What to expect

Only thing I can do is wish 4 U to come back
Thought U haven't left me .... there are barriers
If U know this will happen Y did U came to my life
And showed me the beauty of U

I don't wanna forget anything U left
But am afraid that i might lose it
I don't wanna lose u in any case....

PS: I don't know whether this piece of writing make any sense or not. am not a that good writer.


  1. hey thnks for lookin into the matter so urgently..

    anywys.. thi sum up mike aa fudhey varakah gulhey..
    i kinda had the same situ very recently.. bt i m tryin hard to avoid ritin love-related piece these days cause forgetting her becomes unbearable..

  2. well, the thing is we can't forget, those memories will be there always, Anyway time heals evry thing...

  3. ye time does.. and i ges its treating me good these days


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