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What Man What?

1. Men want honest, timely, loving communication.

A tip for women
Great men want and need straightforward, courageous communication without anger or criticism. One way to attract a great man and build a satisfying relationship is to learn how to communicate your truth and needs effectively.

Reality: When you tell the Truth they does not believe it , if its not what they have expected, or the way they want they get angry. And the communication gets difficult go any further.

2. Men want self-sufficient, secure, confident women.

A tip for women:
Men want what women want — a whole partner. One powerful way to attract a great man and build a vibrant relationship is to create a full, rewarding life for your own fulfillment.

Reality: When a woman gets Confident or Secure , the Man gets so uncomfortable with the woman. When woman manage her self around office and house with out his help , He things he is unwanted. Slowly he gives up on responsibility and start living a carefree life.

3. Men want a manipulation-free relationship.

A tip for women:
Men will not tolerate manipulation of any kind for any significant length of time. To attract a great man and build a wonderful relationship learn to ask without hesitation for what you want and need in every area of your life. Learn to be aware of his timing and his time-line. Learn how to acknowledge and bestow praise.

Reality: This is the Funny part , they want to manipulate or control the Woman life. He whats Woman to do Evry thing exactly what He says. but he does not want any one interfering his decision of his way of life.

4. Men want growth, personal responsibility, and ownership.

A tip for women
Men wants women who are emotionally mature. Maturity does not mean lack of emotions. It does mean the ability to handle emotions responsibly. To attract a great man and build a long-term relationship, learn to take responsibility for your emotional experience and expression.

Reality: I don't quite agree on this. They want girl to cry and beg them. They want girls to fell that they can't handle their life. Man has to take care of woman. Surely they want a responsible woman then only they can get free from all house responsibilities and they don’t have to think about the usual things.

5. Men want fidelity and a commitment to the relationship.

A tip for women
Here is great news for those women who are resigned to the myth that all men cheat: infidelity and “a roaming eye” are as distasteful to men as they are to women. Great men know how to build a wonderful relationship, and they know fidelity is the main ingredient.

Reality: This has to be in any relationship. But Most of the man lacks this ingredient.

6. Men want women who know how men need to be treated.

A tip for women
Most men want acknowledgment and appreciation from women. Learning to acknowledge instead of making your partner wrong is one of the most powerful relationship survival tools available to you.

Reality: OOh yea they do. They want Woman to know Evry thing about them and how they need evrything to be, but sad part is they know little about woman wants and needs.

By the way i have copied this from NET, but reality part is what i have to say on this.


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